Thursday 18 April 2013

GC University

After 146 Years of its wonderful history, the Government College, Lahore was raised to the status of a University in 2002. It was renamed as the GC University Lahore. The academic life here has been re-shaped in accordance with its new challenges and we hope to fulfill the expectations that go with a University. The GCU is committed to act as a promoter of quality education for all.
This Institution is one of the oldest seats of learning in the Muslim world. As a seat of higher learning GC University blends grand old traditions and modern educational standards to meet the ideals set by persons like Dr. Leitner, philosopher the poet, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal and the Noble Laureate, Dr. Abdus Salam.

Department of Computer Science

The Department of Computer science (DCS) is home to a vibrant and talented community of academics, researchers and students. Recognised for high quality teaching and research, we attract staff and students from all cities of Pakistan. Driven by our research expertise and supported by excellent facilities, our undergraduate and postgraduate courses help students to develop their academic abilities and the essential skills required for the workplace such as evidence-based analysis and decision-making, problem-solving and project management skills. Future employability and career success are supported by our professional placement schemes.
The Department of Computer Science, Government College University Lahore was established in 1999 as an independent Department in the postgraduate block of the GC University. At present, the Computer Science Department has 4 Computer Labs vis-à-vis postgraduate lab, main lab, general lab and ICS lab, and these labs comprising of more than 230 computers. The department offers 4 years BS (Honors) in Computer Science and 2 years MS in Computer Science degree programs. The courses both at MS and BS degree programs are selected through its Departmental Academic Committee and External Academic Committee keeping in view the modern computing needs both for software industry and academic research.


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