Thursday 28 November 2013


Australia Celebrates 25 Years of International Education

Friday, 25 November 2011
Together with launching the new publication titled "Making a difference: Australian international education", Minister for Tertiary Education, Senator Chris Evans had also celebrated the achievements of international education in Australia on November 22, 2011.
According to the Senator, Australia has developed into one of the world's leading international study destinations over the last three decades.
He indicated that there were around 2.5 million international students educated atAustralian institutions in the last 25 years, creating long-term friendships between Australian government and the international neighbours.
"This publication records our proud history of achievement and details the global context, history and development of internationaleducation in Australia" said Senator Evans.
With revenues of more than $16 billion each year, international education is the third largest export sector of Australia.
In addition, Mr. Michael Chaney has recently been appointed to chair the International Education Advisory Council. This reflected the importance of the industry to the Australian economy.
"The Council will bring a new rigour to the strategic focus of the industry and will inform the Government's development of a five-year national strategy to underpin the quality and sustainability of international education." added the Senator.
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